Friday, November 19, 2010

Calories In, Calories Out - One More Time for the Slow Learners

About a year ago, we blogged:

"Calories in = Calories out. Always. That's just the way it is. A calorie, is a calorie, is a calorie: Calories are all the same - regardless of where the come from or when you eat them..."

Many of you took great exception to that statement, arguing about "eating before bed" and "fruits and vegetables" and "what about Atkins!". However you can't argue that all calories don't provide the same amount of energy - because they do - by definition.

Enter Mark Haub, Kansas State University, professor of Human Nutrition. His premise: That in weight loss, pure calorie counting is what matters most -- not the nutritional value of the food or when it is eaten.

The proof is in the pudding (or, in this case, Prof is in the Twinkies): CNN: Twinkie Diet Professor


  1. Ah yes. The science of weight loss.. But if I eat most of my calories before 3 PM I am way more comfortable and can actually keep my calorie intake at the right level..the art of weight loss.

  2. I fully agree with the comment Calories in - Colories out. It is simple math. I would however, through years of reading and observation, say the the uniqness of our human bodies, demonstrates that some bodies deal with various kinds of foods, fats, exercise, eating times in different manners. Therefore my brothers metabolism gives a differing reaction to a huge bowl of ice cream every night at 10:00 PM than does mine. (dang it!) But to your main point, in general. Calaries in - Calaries out!
